you mknow, i was looking back, and, i thought i'd do this.
thesnakeshull: a very good friend
luxOcean: a big sister, lil' brother relationship
xXsharkxsayxhelloXx : my staler and my master
vortex00:a frien of mine, i wish i was him T_T
orochimarut: random like me, loves naruto, like me, and has flash, and i will milk that for all it's, joke
fossfizzle: a drawing buddy :3
dodoman1: the man who looks up to me most (you know its true XD)
tommazza: my worst nemisis
zeckyspacelizard: we used to hate each other...we ddon't like eachother still...but no hate..i think..
mindchamber: i look uup to him, and thank him for banning me. it made mne tough :3
bloodspadeL: the one man who showed his sister some respect D:<
that's all the people i
Look up to YOU the most?! How tall are you?! We're on the same level, man.
i'm 5'0 >:D