here you go you whiney brats! i'm not so lazy! warning..this whole thing sux.
once, long ago, there was peice in the lands of the bubble gumz. the bubble gumz shared and cared, and hugged there wivez everyday, like nice peoplez should. now, lets get to the story. actually, it used to suck as much as it does now, people just sat around and watched reruns of the adams family on ABC, and played newgrounds. newgrounds was the same. newgrounds sux aanyway. but they stayed on..for some reason....i dunno...they were all on crack, K'?
now, back to the story, now, one day in this poor idiotic sleese bags of a bubble gum wrapper, godzilla started jumping around like a big playgrgound-oh wait...wrong story...okay, some bubble gumz mugged the ambassitor. it was the perfect plan. you see, they paid some girls to walk by the gaurd, and offer them dates. they made sure these girls were ugly. they said no. ugly girlz can get a lil' emotional, and proceeded to open up a can of shaqu fu-wrong again....they beat the crap out of the gaurds. then, the muggers ran into the building and shaved the ambassiter's lil' dainty eyesbrows. the ambbassitor was realy a decoy! it was..micheal jackson! the decoy proceeded to invite the bubblegumz over to his chocolate factory, but the bubblegumz were educated in stranger safety. so, they remembered back to there stranger safety video "remember kids" the stranger saftey person saidz, "whenever confronted by micheal jackson, tell im' he's not realy whight, and he'll go away." so the smart bubblegumz yelled out "micheal jackson aint white!" and so his head sploded, it was a wonderful(and gruesom :P) sight! with a decapitated micheal jackson lying on the floor, they fled the scene..they had caused a MUCH bigger comotion, than they had wanted to. and so started, the bubblegumz warz!
rofl. fine..i spell checked >:(
i meant to have all the Z's -_-
FFS.. Spell-check it, seriously, It makes you look retarded ^^;
At least change whight to "white" >.>;
i spell checked. now my eyes burn D: